What is the difference between the app and the web version of the cryptoplatform?

You can use both the web version and the mobile app to log into your account. Both have the same functionality, but there are a few differences:

Mobile app


Web version
laptop (2).png

"Portfolio" section includes "Wallets" and "Alerts"
(apart from "Trades", "Leverage Orders" and "Exchange Orders")

"Portfolio" section includes "Trades" and "Orders"

Deposit is available in the following tabs:

"Account" > "Payments"

How to deposit funds?

Deposit is available in the following tabs:

"Wallets" (upper part of the screen)
"Deposit" (left side panel)

How to deposit funds?

Price alerts are available in the "Leverage" mode

There are no price alerts

"Reports" section consists of 4 subsections:

  • Transactions — reflects all changes in the account's balance
  • Leveraged trades — reflects information about executed Leverage trades
  • Leveraged orders — reflects information about postponed Leverage trades (stop/limit orders)
  • Exchange orders — reflects information about executed and postponed Exchange trades

"Reports" section consists of 2 subsections:

  • Transactions — reflects all changes in the account's balance 
  • Activity — reflects information about all trades/orders. Includes 3 types:
    • Leveraged trades
    • Leveraged orders
    • Exchange orders

Order book is shown under the graph of a chosen tokenised asset in the "Exchange" mode

Where can I find the order book?

Order book is shown to the right of a chosen tokenised asset after clicking a button with horizontal lines in the "Exchange" mode

Where can I find the order book?

You can switch to demo in the "Account" section by scrolling it to the bottom

How do I switch to a demo account?

You can switch to demo by clicking "Live" in the top right corner

How do I switch to a demo account?

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