What if my deposit is not reflected in the account?

If you have made a deposit of a cryptocurrency to your account and it is missing or you cannot find it, there may be several reasons why.

Here are some of the most common reasons that you should check:

  1. Have you deposited the token using the correct protocol or token standard?
  2. Is the deposit transaction above the minimum deposit amount?
  3. Have you included the destination tag (Memo) for the XRP transaction? And was the tag entered correctly? *
  4. Have you checked the address you sent the funds to and ensured it’s your deposit address on Dzengi.com? Unfortunately, some malware can change the cryptowallet address when you paste it, due to which the funds can be sent to a third party.
  5. Has your transaction received the required amount of confirmations necessary for processing transactions in blockchain?
  6. Did you deposit to the correct currency type? For example: Maybe you have accidentally deposited Ethereum (ETH) to your Bitcoin (BTC) address.

If you've checked all the points above and you are still unsure as to why your deposit is missing, please contact our Support team.

* I've entered an incorrect destination tag. What should I do?

If the destination tag is incorrect, please contact us and provide the following information:
  • screenshot from Dzengi.com’s interface where the deposit address and destination tag are reflected;
  • transaction’s hash/txid;
  • screenshot from the interface of the platform that you used to deposit funds that reflects transaction details.
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