What fees can be charged while trading?

Fees amounts vary depending on the selected tokenised asset. General information on commissions can be found on the website in the Fees and Charges section under "Platform fees".


The division according to the cryptoplatform mode you use is the following:



  • Trading fee(leverage)
    charged at opening and closure of Leverage operation

  • Funding fee
    charged according to the market rate every 8h (05:00, 13:00, 21:00 UTC) or 24h (21:00 UTC) depending on a tokenised asset. 
    Where can I find the funding fee?
  • Exchange fee 
    charged for acquisition and alienation of tokens

    *A price change correction equal to 0.2% of the price of tokens bought will be also included. In case the price hasn't changed or changed towards the better it will be not charged. 

The commission for using the "guaranteed stop-loss" condition is specified while setting it up in the order details area.

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